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Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

When Love is Blind - Narrative Text of English

Orientation :
There was once a beautiful girl living in a city. She was known as Shinta, a nice and friendly girl. She studied at a popular senior high school in the city. She always followed the trend of young people life style. She got dressed as how the trend was at the time. In her idea, western modern life was the ideal model for all people. She thought that everybody should be free to do anything he or she liked.

She had a handsome boyfriend, Deo. Having a boy or girl friend was like a must for the young people in the city. Parent’s advice to get away from western culture was considered as old-fashioned.

Shinta loved his boyfriend very much. On Saturday evening they made a date, going to a theatre, cafĂ© or party. Shinta’s parents were worried about her. They have warned her but she ignored them.

She thought, “Though my parents don’t agree with me, the show must go on. I love him very much. Whatever happens to me, I will face it”. Yes love was blind. She got blind. Since then, she often quarreled with her father and mother. She became uncontrolled. She more often went out at night with the boyfriend. But, her parents could do nothing but only wait, see and pray.

Complication :
Days went by. One morning, Shinta got a serious stomachache and wanted to throw up. She got dizzy; she went to the bathroom and threw up some contents of her stomach. Shinta was very worried. “Am I getting pregnant?” she asked herself. Her worries grew stronger until she decided to buy a pregnancy tester in a shop. She tested her urine. And … what a shock! The tester showed a positive pregnancy. Shinta got fainted in her room for some minutes. She was very afraid that her mother knew what happened.

Shinta tried to hide her pregnancy. Her face got pale every day and looked unhealthy. She tried to contact Deo. Knowing her girlfriend got pregnant; he was also frustrated and didn’t want to admit that he was the father of the baby. He tried to avoid meeting Shinta. He was not responsible for the consequence. He asked her to abort the baby, but she refused.

The stomach became bigger and bigger, but she was successful to hide it from other’s sight. She was very depressed, and more and more. Four months later, in one evening, when she could no longer be able to keep the burden, she decided to do abortion. In her bedroom, she took a chair and jumped from it to the floor. When her feet touched the floor, a bloody clod of a red fetus covered with placenta was dropped, cried and move several seconds, then stopped moving. The blood was running out of her skirt, making the floor wet. Shinta could see what happened in front of her eyes, didn’t know what to do. She tried to stand up. But then she got unconscious.

The next day, in the morning when she didn’t get out of the room, Shinta’s mother called her name several times. No answer made the mother open the room door and looked inside. She saw blood everywhere in the floor and walls. The horror was shocking her when she found her daughter lying near the dead small fetus. She was upset but could control herself.

Resolution :

Shinta’s mother quickly took her to the hospital. But, it’s too late. On the way Shinta died before she got a help. On the same day, the news about Shinta spread throughout the city.

Question :
1. What do you think about Shinta's characteristics?
2. Why did she ignore her parents' advice?
3. How did Shinta deal with her pregnancy?
4. What did Shinta's boyfriend do about Shinta's pregnancy?
5. What is the moral message that you can take from the story above? 
References : Task 1 of English Narrative Text - August 19th 2014

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